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Our Privacy Policy

We value the trust customers place in us and recognize the importance of secure transactions and information privacy. While you may be able to browse certain sections of the Platform without registering with us, however, please note we do not offer any product or service under this Platform outside India. We collect from the customers the minimum possible personal information to serve the purpose of this platform. Customers personal information will primarily be stored and processed in India only. And this information will be kept internal and secured to bivamart. Also note that we (bivamart.in) don't store sensitive information like payment account details or religious preferences. Also this will follow data protection laws enforced by India. The data may be used in purpose of providing service from bivamart and/or providing product information of bivamart and it's mother company i.e. Biva Publication.

Also We may track customers buying behavior, preferences, and other information that you choose to provide on our Platform. We use this information to do internal research on our users' demographics, interests, and behavior to better understand, protect and serve our users.

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